Newtopia 7.5 / Being Other – Ecstatic Body


Photographic Exhibition by Dimitri Tsiapkinis

October 5th, through November 8th 2019, at the Strapontin bar,
23 rue de Chateauneuf, 37000 Tours.

Free entry / You may purchase these works on helloasso : Helloasso/Newtopia_7.5

Vernissage on October 20th at 6 pm.


Here’s the…5th session of Newtopia 7

Forward from the author  :

The theme of the exhibition is taken from the years of work with choreographer Bernardo Montet, but also from a few from Taoufiq Izeddiou’s work plus from my creations with Omnivion in Tours and the XSOMA collective in Greece. These photographs have been brought to light in resonance with the current theme of my choreographic project Newtopia / Dance and Mental Health. The ecstatic body has been present in various traditions throughout the ages, throughout the world. It is a space of exposition where singularity is protected and even valued. A place of renewal for the individual who nourishes the community with a sense of freedom and renewal through creativity”

Dimitri Tsiapkinis

[All photos are prints on aluminium, except Aléef which is on canvas and and they’re numbered (max 30 copies of each)]

Here are some of the photos exhibited on Flickr : Expo 2018-2020



Partners & financing :

DRAC Centre, ARS Centre, Fonds de dotation Transept37, CHRU de Tours, Arpents d’Art, Ville de la Riche/Pléiade, Ville de Tours, Centre Sociale la Rabière.