Claire Guillaume

Photo par Bernard Duret

Claire Guillaume / President

is a professor of literature and teaches literature to high school students through a sensitive approach and workshops enriched by her practice of contemporary dance, especially in connection poetry.

She studied at the National Choreographic Center of Tours (CCNT) under the direction of Bernardo Montet and then Thomas Lebrun, where she trained in the amateur program, in order to discover the work of different choreographers.

She also danced in a contemporary dance association, the “Lisière des Marges” in Tours, and performed with the Tours Soundpainting Orchestra and the artist Zazü.

Dimitri Tsiapkinis’s sensitive approach, who taught at the CCNT, inspired her to follow him in 2013 as a co-founder of Omnivion. She is now president and dancer for Omnivion. The projects based on the sensitive relationship with oneself and the world intrigues her personally and corresponds to her professional approach.