Paiàn (Newtopia 9.1)

Paián (Newtopia 9.1)


Choreographic performance on January 1, 2021, at 2:00 pm (3:00 pm local time in Greece) in Heptapyrgion, Thessaloniki 546 34.

WARNING (!): As any public performance is forbidden for reasons of flu hygiene, we will try to transmit the performance in real time, using web tools. Usually we promote free tools and boycott GAFAM. Nevertheless and exceptionally, we are going to realize this transmission via Facebook live (our current technical knowledge does not allow us to do otherwise yet.)

Here’s the link to the event :  Paiàn FB Live

Παιάν paián \pa͜i.ˈan\ masculine: (main name) the doctor of the gods; saviour, redeemer; choral song, ode, hymn. It was said that the god Apollo healed with a single magic strike…

First ecstatic event of this year, Paián a performance by Dimitri Tsiapkinis in resonance with several elements that haunt his choreographic journey: the multiplicity of identity and culture, the dance butō, the ecstatic body, the care through sound or gestural movement, clandestine dances, mythology… It was created in the context of Corps extatiques / Newtopia 9, a series of singular artistic experiences related to mental health that draw their themes from the phenomena of trance and the unconscious mind.

Note of intent :

An experience of the raw, semi-hypnotic dance movement, contextualized by the architecture of the chosen place: the Byzantine and Ottoman walls of Heptapyrgion (Gate of the Seven Towers), in Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia, Greece. To dance at the foot of symbols of imperial protection, like those walls that separate from the enemy and of the otherness which annihilates achievements, ways of life, resources… To dance in vague memory of historical facts of the monotheistic empires which marked the history of the Western world by their verticality, their determinism, their cruelty. One can only imagine our origin, Bernardo Montet said. History is beyond us. We are left with its reinvention, through art, philosophy, spirituality, through our individual complexities.

We are in a process of constant metamorphosis. We go through ages, empires, cultures and we change our face. But in what ways?

In a metamorphosis, the power that crosses and transforms us is in no way a conscious and personal act of will. It comes from elsewhere, is older than the body it shapes and operates beyond any decision. […] A metamorphic being is, on the contrary, a being who has abandoned any ambition to want to recognize himself in solely one face. ” (Excerpt from Métamorphoses, by Emmanuel Coccia, p. 66)

Conception / performance : Dimitri Tsiapkinis
Length : ~ 30min



Partners & financing : DRAC & ARS Centre, CHU of Tours, City of Tours, Transept37/Arpents d’Art, Centre Social la Rabière.

