Photo (edit) par Bernard Duret

Omnivion presents :



Conception / direction: Dimitri Tsiapkinis

Performed by: Annaïck Nicolazic, Bruno Morin, Catherine Mondou, Cereza Candela, Christine Causera, Claire Guillaume, Constance Renard, Dianne Bikok, Dimitri Tsiapkinis, Emilie Coudère, Ghislaine Lorne, Gilles Lolivier, Keely Sigot, Kostas Papazoglou, Lilou Melamed, Lina Candela, Marie Renard, Nael Tsiapkinis, Nikicha Jaillette, Quentin Perrotte, Roland Lebret, Rosa Pires de Matos, Yvan Pousset.

Lighting & stage management : Marine Pourquié

Length : ~ 55min

Photos : flickr/POLITEIES

Vidéo / teaser : Vimeo/Politeïes


[Πολιτείες : plural of the greek word πόλις / city, and of the verb πολιτεύομαι / being an active citizen]

Intention notes :

An inclusive choreographic creation developed around the theme of living together in a community. The ancestral urgency of civil gatherings will be studied through poetic questioning, with the body at the centre of our concerns.  The exclusion of the deviant body, the unbalanced body-mind, the place of the individual and its singularity, the corruption of the elites, solidarity and the new utopias of living together seem to be essential subjects for contemplating the complexity of our civilizations. Our semi-erudite naiveties have no choice but to keep in motion and take shape at every moment in the face of the information flows that saturate our neurons. The Omnivion team, under the direction of Dimitri Tsiapkinis, renews its artistic and solidary commitment to face the social challenges of our century: immigration, cultural diversity, resource sharing, equity, social justice, democracy.


Polite(ΐ)es is a metamodern dance-theatre performance, developed through improvisation, divised theater, and the crossover of artistic disciplines. Developed by a team that includes professional and amateur artists, a few suffering psychopathologies. We needed to question our ideological attachments and aspirations about living in community. Each participant is invited to compose artistic actions on their political and social concerns. A choreographic jubilation of the expressive potential generated by a heterogeneous community that welcomes difference. Omnivion, participates in the reflection on the multiplicity of life, but through embodiment practices. A multiplicity that challenges the culture of normality, conformism, one track thinking. We continue to poetize madness, to question our assumptions about expressive and creative normalities.

Polite(ΐ)es is part of the  Newtopia 7 series (2019) a Dance & Mental Health event subsidized by the DRAC & ARS Centre (Culture & Health), the CHRU de Tours, the French Railways (SNCF) and the Transept37 Endowment Fund.


The choreographer / director of the Newtopia project :

Dimitri Tsiapkinis

Dimitri Tsiapkinis : Graduate of the University of North Carolina School of the Arts (1994, USA) and the Centre National de la Danse in Paris (1999). Has danced, with various companies in Germany, France, and Greece. As an independent choreographer, he choreographed Ex-Gudrun (1992), Fish in the Bottle (1994), Regards-Periples (1996), Le Jardin Regarde (1997). Since 1996, he has been experimenting with somatics (PP / Danis Bois). He has collaborated with French choreographer Bernardo Montet as a performer in two national choreographic centers: CCNRB, and CCNT (1995-2011). At the meantime, he founded the xsoma dance collective in Greece and directed 0,1 (2002), Apnea (2005) and numerous improvisation performances. In 1998 he dances/acts in the film Beau Travail, by Claire Denis. In 2007 he obtains a Diploma in Art, Movement and Therapy, at the Lisbon Modern University and in 2015 a Masters’ degree for his research “Contemporary dance in psychiatry” (UFP, Porto / Portugal. Currently, he produces his projects as the artistic director of Omnivion where he directed : Delirium Tremens (2010), 0,2 / Thylax (2011), Golden Age (2012), and many works for the Newtopia / Dance & Mental health events (2013-2019) etc. He also continues to collaborate with Bernardo Montet (Mawguerite Association) in Morlaix. Since 2007 he’s an assistant in Tai Chi (Chen style) of the 34th generation Shaolin Master Shi Yan Jun in Tours. Additionally, he teaches anatomy and kinesiology for dancers at the National Conservatories of Tours and Brest. His filmography as an actor-dancer evolved since 2010 with two more productions : Narcisse, fragments (2010) and Le Temps de Crocodiles (2019 / in production), both by Florence Doucet. More info on Dimitri Tsiapkinis : http://www.omniviations.com




<< September 27th, 2019, at 8:00 PM, during Newtopia 7.4 at the Pléiade, la Riche (37520) / France.

<< February 13th, 2020, at 2:00 PM, at the Maison Bégon, in Blois (41000) / France.

<< July 19th, 2020, at 8:00 PM, during Newtopia 7.4 at the Milos Festival / Cyclades, Greece. (to be confirmed)


Info & reservations : HERE!


Partenaires et financement : DRAC et ARS Centre, Fonds de dotation Transept37, CHRU de Tours, SNCF, Ville de la Riche, Ville de Tours, Arpents d’Art, Centre Social la Rabière.
