ALEXO / Newtopia 10.2


ALEXO / ΑΛΈΞΩ (from the greek : protect or compensate)


A series of performances for the project Enterres-Encieux / Newtopia 10, by Dimitri Tsiapkinis

on April 16th and August 8th 2022, in Nikiti, Central Macedoine, Greece (63088)

[A series of video shootings and performances will take place during July, August and October 2022]

Instead of a concept, I’ll share with you my thoughts on death in relation to these performances. I am tempted to reconsider the possible reconnections with the earth through touch, through falling, through archaic crawling. Banal, you will say to me? Yes, it has already been done, since the beginning of modern dance. What am I saying ?! Since the dawn of time, in the archaic dances of the people who preceded us, our ancestors, whose cultural and chromosomal heirs we are.

So, yes! Banal, but incessant this impulse of knowing through embodiment.

The universals do not change, it is life that changes, or rather it transforms itself; from one form to another, the helix of our DNA does not cease to twist itself in new biochemical dances.

But then, what is it all about ? A dancer in the middle of a Greek Christian Orthodox cemetery, what exactly would he transform into? Is it a blasphemy for the believers of the village of Nikiti in Central Macedonia? And why is it without an audience?! Just the video and photo witnesses? Perhaps he is kneading his crumpled narcissism to better cocoon himself in it? And what does this have to do with the death of his father on the same day, 25 years before? Another choreographic self-analysis? And why not? I assume my obsession with individual psychology, in the liberty of metamodern esthetics. Dance has always been a way to better live my life, to better cope with the paradoxes of earthly existence, to contemplate my guts, to regenerate my vitality, to connect with others and to have… fun. I have never been a careerist, I have never sought to be the “best”, but I have always been faithful to this mysterious impulse to dive into the trance, often tortured or dark, as some of my friends say. So yes! Another opportunity to contemplate the shadow, the unconscious and especially death, the great theme of Newtopia 10 / Enterres – Encieux.