Newtopia 7.1

Newtopia 7.1 (2019)

First event of the Newtopia 7 series about living in community. To be inclusive, to be democratic, to promote singularity through education and the arts. We offer you an exhibition of photographs, a documentary film and a dance conference.

Program  :

<< 7-31 January 2019 : Final exposition Plus près de soi par le mouvement, by Bernard Duret, at the Gentiana Center / Léo Lagrange / Tours. Vernissage on January 10th at 6 PM.

<< 17 January 2019 : Alternative education and democracy at school, projection of the film Être plutôt qu’Avoir by Agnès Fouilleux (France-2018-1h28) and debate, in partnerships with the CEMEA and the CNP (Cinéma National Populaire) at the Cinémas Studio / Tours (37000)

<< 22 January 2019 : Dance Conference : Inclusive dance, by Dimitri Tsiapkinis at the APAJ37, Tours (37000)