Photo par Despina Kapoulitsa


Contemporary dance performance about memories of significant events. A study that links the theme of Newtopia 10 – death – with the theme of Newtopia 11 – the trace.

The common thread, which resonates with Newtopia, remains the relationship between dance and the psyche. Contemplating and inhabiting a space while stimulating our kinaesthesis and letting the gesture emerge : a gentle attempt at catharsis, or quite simply a reconnection with the sensitive being within us. Drawing meaning from our memories, reinterpreting them and connecting them to our physicality. In this specific context, the artists explore their memories of the city of Berlin: cultural fascination, mourning, the quest for trance, solitude. A contemplation on the trace, the old and the new, melancholy and jubilation, questioning aesthetic and professional preconceptions.

Performance : Despoina Kapoulitsa, Dimitri Tsiapkinis.

Lieu : Cimetière de St. Michael Gemeinde Berlin (12049), Allemagne

Date : 18 février 2023

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