Photo by Anthony Le Guen
The Uknown(s) / Newtopia 9.2
Second…trance of the year 2021 with the same theme: the ecstatic body in various contexts.
Can a human-being-body in “extatic” states bring new breaths to this new semi-asphyxiated decade?
Dance performance with masks. As in African, Asian and other traditions, the individual disappears to make room for the Other; a place to appear and communicate new postures to the world.
The Omnivion team and invited friends were scattered around the market to respect the distances…anti-covid!
A solidarity event in resonance with the cultural crisis in France, a celebration of the living!
Performers: Bartel Bruynseels, Aurélie Brunnet, Christine Causera, Dominique Chanteloup, Claire Guillaume, Julien Nicolaï, Rosa Pire de Matos, Bruno Morin, Benoît Pradier, Yvan Pousset, Dimitri Tsiapkinis.