Let’s keep our distances…short and other centrifugal polarities
The key word in health announcements at the moment: distancing!
Around us, friends, family and fellow citizens do their best to respect it. But not all of them. Others believe in proximity, despite the probable danger. Bowing to greet each other, touching elbows or even…buttocks for some, and then hugging and kissing for others!
Protocols, rules, fines, disagreements and even fights… For or against muzzles?
If we avoided judgment (or not), we would perhaps arrive at this wonderful observation on our human nature: we are into the multiplicity of perspectives and postures! Our nature represents well the impulse of life: to feed on the other in order to multiply our answers to the world. By definition life is constant creation, the evolution of forms. Creativity is part of our cells. Independently of our professions, it is there. More or less developed in each one of us, but its seeds are anchored in our living matter.
The enthusiasm of the Omnivion team, with the creativity of the being-body, alone and/or with others, and the poetic exchanges which result from it, remains intact. Many thanks to the team of the City of Tours for inviting us to participate in the Festival les Inattendus: Dimitri Tsiapkinis presented “Rumors of the sea“, a structured improvisation inspired by the materials of Newtopia 8, at the Guinguette de Tours on August 15th!
Our projects that were cancelled during the viral storm are redefining themselves with autumn colors and are on the move! By January the Newtopia 8 adventure will be accomplished. (Provisional program here) We are counting on your presence to poetize polarities, dualities and other forms of tense otherness.
And here is the program for the beginning of the season:
The first Newtopia dance workshop is on September 9th and exceptionally at the park of Sainte Radegonde! (Infos and registration: omnivion.net/workshop-dance-2020-2021)
Just after, Dimitri Tsiapkinis, follows with 3 days of experimentation with the team of the Federation Dance Handicap, at the seaside in Brittany!
At the same time, all our Dance and Mental Health workshops start: Indigo (CHU), Violine (La Confluence) and Cobalt (CESAP).
And finally, a discovery workshop in Greece to study the Lao Jia Yi Lu of Tai Chi Chen, with the students of Touraine Inter-Age University, from October 13 to 19. (CANCELED / COVID-19)
Given the exceptional situation, we will keep you informed of the evolution of our new creation “Omni-Nihilum” at Le Petit Morier, before the next newsletter. In the meantime, block already one day in your weekend of November 28-29, so as not to miss this new chireographic…UFO!
Semi…distant but always warm greetings from the whole Omnivion team!