Photo par Dimitri Tsiapkinis
July-August 2019 : OmniBus
Is a society, that is committed to including and valuing all citizens in their growth process, a utopian society? A society Omnibus ? (means “for all“, in Latin). I have no idea… In any case, the rise of separatisms in the world is a worrying fact, even if at the same time, we are discovering initiatives that protect diversity, singularity, minorities… The French Colibri movement has chosen a title for their summer newsletter that is very much in line with our newtopian concerns : “contemplate together in order to think for yourself”. Our team remains committed to the citizens’ emancipation through the arts. This summer, while resting a little, we are preparing the creative ENORMITY of Newtopia 7.4 on September 27th! After a more than positive and festive General Assembly and some joyful but…weird rehearsals in June, we continue this summer with :
- 11 – 17 july, rehearsals for Thylax / Newtopia 4, in Thessaloniki Greece (Here are some pics : Flickr_Thylax_2019
- End of August, rehearsals for Politeïes / Newtopia 4, in Espace Giraudeau, in Tours
As the back-to-school season is likely to be intense for most of us, here are the important dates to remember for September:
- 18 September : 1st choreographic workshop of the season with Dimitri Tsiapkinis. INFO : Atelier Newtopia 8
- 21-22 September, a physical theater workshop with Filio Louvari. INFO (in french):
- 23-26 September residency at the Pléiade in order to finalise Politeïes.
- 27 septembre : NEWTOPIA 7.4 à la Pléiade ! INFO : net/projets/newtopia-7-4
Partners and funding : DRAC et ARS Centre, Fonds de dotation Transept37, CHRU de Tours, Ville de la Riche, Ville de Tours, Fondation SNCF, Arpents d’Art, Center for Dance and Theater of Milos, Centre Social la Rabière.
Stay in contact for the next Newtopia sessions and new workshops !
Dimitri Tsiapkinis and the Omnivion team wish you a wonderful summer !